Esther Harrison, posing by tractor tires, visited her old family farm back in 2001.
After walking away from an antiquated patriarchal belief system, Phoenix of Faith author Esther Harrison has discovered something wonderful. She is creating a healthy new life for herself. How did that come about?
Let’s Ask Her!
Beyond farm life, religious activity with the family, and attending school as an “outcast” I was isolated from social contact. I grew up with a sense that I did not “belong” — anywhere. While in my 40’s, I reached a point in my life where I didn’t like who I saw in the mirror. I wasn’t happy in my marriage to my alcoholic, philandering husband. Worst of all, I had serious doubts about life which our family religion was unable to address.
As I look back over my life and wish I had left my sad excuse for a marriage after three miserable years — where I had a safe exit point. Instead, I allowed myself to be assimilated by the religion that I had once tried to leave at age sixteen. It was a religion that openly enabled — and even encouraged — all the dysfunction in a marriage like mine to proliferate. Sadly, the teachings of the family religion were all I had ever known. After all, I was born and raised in a cloistered religious community, turned in on itself in sameness. I was a Jehovah’s Witness. At that time, I didn’t know if I had the tools — or the strength — to succeed in choosing a new direction for my life.
Could Esther change her beliefs enough to change her disparate — odd — reality? The book Phoenix of Faith is the result of her quest after becoming aware of the religious and social forces influencing her life.
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