Bible Bigots

Without a doubt, the Bible is a most influential book, and not in a healthy way. As a child, the Bible was used by my parents to teach me obedience and subjection. It was a book that instilled fear — a book of oppression filled with harsh, punishing beliefs, and frightful images. My parents used the Bible to produce compliant children who were easy to control and manipulate. My parents were Bible bigots.Now, as an adult, I still see the influence of the Bible by authority figures. Being biblically conditioned, I subsequently — and most unfortunately in my ignorance — used that same book to indoctrinate my children. I produced compliant, obedient sheep, rather than people who might think for themselves. Today, my children shun me because they are obedient to the Bible bullies in the Jehovah’s Witnesses religion who have labeled me as a “sinner” and disallowed my children to see me any more. Our family religion is filled with Bible bigots.

I see a government in Canada currently in power who claims to be “Christian,” yet it enables the destruction of our planet through greed. In truth, resource corporations are gods of our current Prime Minister. He is complicit while the First Nations self-sovereign ways of life and livelihood are being destroyed and the people are being demoralized. The mining industries are polluting the planet, even though we are supposed to be caretakers and stewards of the earth, according the Bible. We have a so-called “Christian” government that cares more about money than the livability of the earth. Oppression of the many by a few. Our governments are full of Bible bigots.

Harms of the Bible BigotsGreen New World Translation of the Bible Jehovah's Witnesses, Bible bigot masters

As a mature adult, I examined my life when it fell around me in ruins, only to realize I had been lied to by my parents, by religious leaders, and by our governments — all in the name of god. I came to realize that religion uses the bible to produce bigots who are incapable of seeing that they are indeed bigots. Their religious leaders have told them they are superior to every other religion. Persecution of others different from them became a natural consequence of such an oppressing belief. In the USA we have some of the leading Bible bigots currently running for the presidency. Who recognizes this? I can see the influence the Bible has brought to their political situation.

Governments use the Bible to propagandize the population — to dumb us down and subjugate, divide, and conquer entire populations. It is a book that teaches poverty for the common folk and riches for the bottom-feeding elite. It teaches patriarchal Bible bigotry as a way of life, where women and girls are subject to male domination and oppression — apologetically!

Rejecting the Bible Bigots

The time has come for me to reject this book that enables such an unprecedented level of corruption by Bible bigots. I would not have seen this if I had not read the Bible and fallen under its influence. Now I realize it is time to take my power back and reclaim the earth and protect it from greedy governments and soulless corporations. Corporations have no soul, and neither do the politicians who have been bought by corporate money. Our government leaders are bought and sold to the highest corporate bidder or bedfellow these days. Now I see the Bible as a book written by men for men to oppress humanity in the name of their god. It’s bigotry in the name of god.

Bible Bigots Come In the Name of God

Without a doubt, the book used to influence me the most was the Bible. Today, it helps me to see where people in power are misusing their power in the name of god. It is patriarchal book used to control and manipulate people, all in the name of god.

Now, the bible is nothing more than a reference book for me, reminding me of a time in history of immeasurable evil.

Related Reading

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Off Site Reading

How could something as barbaric as human blood sacrifice “catch on”? Read Blood Sacrifice, Then and Now

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